Moving from localization
to Surgical Marker

Confidently navigating towards the target with GPSDetect™

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Trust & Embrace Surgical Marker Navigation

Sirius Pintuition - Base unit

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GPSDetect™ software

Providing you real-time directional guidance using audio and visual feedback


Perfectly aligned with the target

Easy Calibration

Easy one-time calibration per procedure

Pintuition Probe

Perfect pinpoint detection of the Pintuition Marker

Pintuition Marker

A tiny yet powerful magnetic
Surgical Marker

The Pintuition Marker is a tiny yet powerful marker that accurately marks the tumor and helps with surgical removal from any direction.

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Sirius Pintuition - Base unit

Pintuition Probe

Perfect pinpoint detection of the Pintuition Marker

The Pintuition probe is equipped with advanced multi-sensor technology capable of detecting the marker's magnetic field, enabling precise navigation towards the target.

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Sirius Pintuition - Base unit


Precise navigation that simply makes sense

Sirius Pintuition® powered by a state-of-the-art navigation software, GPSDetect™. Providing real-time, directional guidance using audio and visual feedback for unmatched precision to locate tumors.

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Sirius Pintuition - Base unit

About us

Sirius Medical

Sirius Medical was founded in 2017 as a spin-off from the Netherlands Cancer Institute.

Our roots are firmly embedded within the surgical clinic where researchers recognized the need and opportunity to simplify and improve localization technology for the surgical removal of breast cancers.

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