Join the MEthods for LOcalization of Different types of breast lesions-1

Join the the MELODY study

A prospective non-interventional multicenter cohort study to evaluate different imaging-guided methods for localization of non- palpable malignant breast lesions

Study design
Prospective International non-interventional Investigator-initiated study

Aims and objectives
Objective: comparatively evaluating different imaging-guided localization methods used for surgical removal of non-palpable malignant breast lesions with regard to oncological safety and patient-reported outcomes

Primary outcomes

  • Negative resection margin rates (defined as lesion removal with no invasive or non-invasive carcinoma on ink) at first surgery.

  • Intended target lesion and/or marker removal, independent of margin status on final histopathology
4. Sirius Pintuition System
MELODY_Flow chart_2022-12-19_add-1

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Massimiliano Malloni

Massimiliano Malloni
Director Clinical & Medical Affairs