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Introducing the new
Pintuition® Probe


Group 435
The Pintuition probe just got slimmer - 55% slimmer but with the same precision and performance
  • Featuring a long slim working length of 10 cm
  • Easier access through small incisions
  • Maximizes flexibility for surgical oncoplastic techniques
slime probe 2
slime probe 3-1
Sirius Pintuition Probe2-2

All the Pintuition Probes include multi sensor technology that allows for perfect navigational guidance towards the target

  • 50 mm of directional detection range
  • Multi sensor that provides precise navigation
  • One-time calibration before each procedure
  • Handheld, reusable durable and robust
Features Pintuition Slim Probe Pintuition Probe
Diameter (tip of Probe) 12 mm 18 mm
Length of Probe 19 cm 18 cm
Multi-sensor detection Yes Yes
GPSDetect Yes Yes
TargetLOC™ Yes Yes
(only in FDA regulated regions)
Yes Yes

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